Medical Grand Rounds

The Department of Internal Medicine Medical Grand Rounds has an incredible history at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and is one of our Department’s most treasured traditions. We host both internal and external speakers from around the country that share their clinical, research, and teaching expertise with our faculty, fellows, and resident physicians. Additionally, we are proud to have the support from our outstanding Internal Medicine Chief Residents who coordinate the popular clinicopathological conference series (CPC) in four lectures that aim to present a case to a faculty member and discuss the clinical rationale behind the workup including generating a broad differential diagnosis followed by logically narrowing the list to a few select diagnosis and then presenting a detailed explanation and rationale for the final diagnosis. Our list of topics and speakers vary each year but aims to draw from all areas of Internal Medicine with a mix of focus on clinical topics, research presentations, teaching techniques, as well as faculty development topics and socioeconomic topics that have broad general interest. The schedule is organized 3-6 months ahead of time and is coordinated by our medical director and grand rounds coordinators through the DOIM Office of Educational Affairs.

The Grand Rounds schedule runs from September to June and generally consists of 35-38 sessions. Each of our 11 divisions have 2 presentation slots along with 3 QI/MMI sessions, 4 CPC sessions, 2 OEA sessions, and 1 reserved slot for the IM Chiefs. The remaining 4-6 sessions are divided up at the discretion of the Grand Rounds Director. Grand Rounds take place every Thursday from 12 PM – 1 PM. If you would like to watch a presentation live, but cannot make it into campus in-person, we do telecast our presentations via Zoom. To view, please click on the following link: https:/ - Zoom Meeting ID: 974 9857 2187.

Videos are posted on our YouTube Channel about 7-10 days after the event:

Comments and suggestions should be shared with the DOIM Grand Rounds Team:  

Please visit the VCU Internal Medicine website and follow VCU Internal Medicine on social media.

If special accommodations are needed, please call (804) 828-9726 or contact us above.


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