Hospital Medicine
Welcome to the homepage for the Division of Hospital Medicine, the largest Division within the Department of Internal Medicine and the engine that drives our institution’s clinical and education programs. The fuel for this engine is the exceptional work of our clinicians who specialize in the comprehensive care of hospitalized patients from the moment the decision is made that a patient needs to be admitted through a patient transitioning to home or a non-inpatient facility. With over 100 physicians and advanced practice providers on the team, we meet the needs of our patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year at VCU Medical Center in downtown Richmond, at VCU Tappahannock Hospital in Tappahannock Virginia, and through VCU Health System’s new Hospital at Home program.
Because of division members expertise in clinical care, we are also critical to the educational efforts and clinical leadership of the institution. We educate the largest number of medical students and internal medicine residents in Virginia while also precepting advanced practice learners and mentoring pre-health students. Many division members are leaders in areas including student education, resident training, continuing education, quality improvement, health system operations, informatics, and scholarship. We are a vibrant community of practitioners committed to providing high-quality, compassionate care, training the next generation of healthcare practitioners, and enhancing the care of our population.
Promotions and New Faculty Roles
- Drs. Tim Johnson and Alice Wong were promoted to Associate Professor!
- New Faculty Roles for fiscal year 2025
- Francesca Capanni, MD is the Assistant Chair of Clinical Operations for Hospital Medicine
- Pooja Chawla, MD is the Assistant Chair of Clinical Operations for Hospital Medicine
- Bryn Culpepper, MD is the Medical Director of Hospital at Home for VCU Medical Center
- Georgia Thomas, MD is the Interim Associate Chair of Research for Hospital Medicine
- New Small Group Leaders
- Kyle Pfaff, DO
- Tarun Srivastava, DO
- Richmond Top Doc Adult Hospitalist 2024
- Aimee Collins, MD
- Margaret Guy, MD
- Richmond Top Doc Pediatric Hospitalist 2024
- Allison Young, MD
- Richmond Top Doc Nurse Practitioner 2024
- Amber Balzer, AGACNP-BC
- Tim Ford, AGACNP
- Richmond Top Doc Physician Assistant 2024
- Brian Cromer, PA
- Sarah Hamaker, PA
- VCU School of Medicine Teaching Awards
- Educational Innovation / Educational Research Award
- Pete Meliagros, MD
- Best PCM Preceptor
- Shadi Ghadermarzi, MD
- Best Teacher in Ambulatory Clerkship
- Carol Marcelo, MD
- Educational Innovation / Educational Research Award
- Division of Hospital Medicine Awards
- Excellence in Education Award 2024
- Megan Gosnell, NP
- Melissa Warwick, MD
- Excellence in Research Award 2024
- Georgia Thomas, MD
- Distinguished Service Award 2024
- Alice Wong, MD
- Areej Syed,MD
- Leslie Moses, MD
- Somaya Albhaisi, MD
- Hospitalist Advanced Practice Provider of the Year 2024
- Nikki Carter, FNP
- Hospitalist Physician of the Year 2024
- Brynn Culpepper, MD
- Excellence in Education Award 2024
- VCU Health System Excellence in APP Practice Award 2024
- Nikki Carter, FNP
- Virginia ACP Chapter Awards
- Early Career Physician 2024
- Rebecca Forrest, MD
- Inpatient Internal Medicine Teaching 2024
- Alex Rittenberg, MD
- Early Career Physician 2024
- Virginia Nurses Foundation
- Leadership Excellence Award Trailblazer in Direct Patient Care Leader – Patient Safety
- Amber Balzer, AGACNP-BC
- Leadership Excellence Award Trailblazer in Direct Patient Care Leader – Patient Safety
- Department of Internal Medicine Awards
- VCU Executive Award – Staff Advocacy
- Nikki Carter, FNP
- Best Housestaff Teacher
- Alex Rittenberg, MD
- VCU Executive Award – Staff Advocacy
Division of Hospital Medicine
- Mohammed Slahaldin Abdulghani, MD
- Natalia Arana, MD
- Miguel Arrospide, MD
- Alok Baral, MD
- Stephen Biederman, MD – Associate Chief of Quality and Safety, Department of Internal Medicine
- Solomon Bogale, MD
- Michael Bradley, MD
- Francesca Capanni, MD – Associate Chief of Clinical Operations
- Pooja Chawla, MD – Associate Chief of Clinical Operations
- Melissa Chouinard, MD – Medical Director of Medication Safety, VCU Health System
- Aimee Collins, MD
- Mark Conway, MD
- Bryn Culpepper, MD - Medical Director of Hospital at Home, VCU Medical Center
- Helen Dang, MD, MPH
- Brinn DeMars, DO
- Alan Dow, MD, MSHA - Division Chief
- Shelley Edwards, MD
- Zachary Einarsson, MD
- Butros Fakhoury, MD
- Meles Fanta, MD
- Rebecca E. Forrest, MD – Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Sean Flynn, MD
- Shreya Garg, DO
- Adam Garber, MD – Acting Internship Director, School of Medicine
- Shadi Ghadermarzi, MD – Medical Director, Hospital Medicine at VCU Tappahannock
- David Goldberg, MD
- Margaret Guy, MD - Medical Director, Acute Care Medicine Units, VCU Medical Center
- Ryan Haran, MD
- Julie Harris, MD
- Sarah Hartigan, MD – Director, Medicine Consult Service
- Nicole Hawkins, MD
- Paige Herman, MD
- Amber Jenkins, DO
- David Jessee, MD – Director, Internal Medicine Acting Internship, School of Medicine
- Ajin John, MD
- Tim Johnson, MD – Director, Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Jessica L. Keiser, MD – Associate Chief of Clinical Operations, Hospital Medicine and Associate Chief Medical Officer, VCU Medical Center
- Abhay Khashu, MD
- Katherine Le, MD
- Claire Li, MD
- Stanley Liu, MD
- Carolyn Marcelo, MD – Director of Quality, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Catherine J. Marcelo, MD
- Heather Masters, MD, SFHM, FACP – Interim Chief Medical Officer, VCU Medical Center
- Georgia N. McIntosh, MD – Associate Chief Quality Officer, VCU Health System
- Evan Meadors, MD – Medical Director, Clinical Documentation Improvement, VCU Medical Center
- Pete D. Meliagros, MD – Associate Program Director for Procedures, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Dante Merrill, MD
- Sarika S. Modi, MD – Co-Director, Global Health Track, Internal Medicine Residency Program and Clinical Director for the SDoH Education Model
- Leslie Moses, MD
- Myra Nasir, MD
- Charles Nation, III, MD
- Gordon Pace, MD
- Laura E. Paletta-Hobbs, MD – Associate Program Director for Clinical Competency, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Alex Pandelidis, MD
- Rujuta Pandya, MD
- Priyanka Parajuli, MD
- Kimberly S. Pedram, MD – Associate Chief of Education, Division of Hospital Medicine and Co-Course Director, Practice of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine
- Kyle Pfaff, DO
- Melinda Picard, MD
- Manish Pradhan, MD
- Rabia Qaiser, MD
- Brenda A. Queen, MD – Director, Interprofessional Clinical Simulations, VCU Health Sciences
- Alex Rittenberg, MD – Medical Director, Acute Care Medicine Units, VCU Medical Center and Associate Program Director for Inpatient Care, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Evan M. Ritter, MD – Medical Director for Informatics, VCU Medical Center
- Anna Smith, MD
- Tarun Srivastava, DO
- Gopika Suraj, MD
- Areej Syed, MD
- Georgia Thomas, MD, PhD - Interim Associate Chief of Research, Division of Hospital Medicine
- Chandler Walsh, DO
- Melissa Warwick, MD
- Dennis D. Wixted, MD
- Alice Wong, MD – Co-Course Director, Practice of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine
- Niki Yazdani, MD
- Allison Young, MD – Associate Chief Medical Officer, VCU Medical Center
Advanced Practice Providers
- Julia Amantea, ANCP
- Amber Balzer, AGACNP-BC - Clinical Director of Quality and Safety, Hospital Medicine
- Jennifer Beckman, PA
- Krystle Brunson, FNP
- Nicole Carter, FNP - Lead
- Brian Cromer, PA
- Pamela Derby, FNP
- Tim Ford, AGACNP
- Heather Goldston, AGACNP
- Alysson Gordon, ACNP
- Megan Gosnell, NP
- Sarah Hamaker, PA
- Leandra Hemmings, AGACNP
- Karen Hua, NP
- Caitlyn Murtha, PA
- Rinequa O'Bannon, ACNPC-AG
- Becca Slocum, NP
- Rebecca Snell, FNP
- Laura Tormey, ACNP
- Alison Wilkins, FNP
Clinical Areas
Learn more about our clinical services.
Through approximately 30 physicians and 16 advanced practice providers working each day, the Division of Hospital Medicine provides 24-hour clinical care at VCU Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, VCU Tappahannock Hospital in Tappahannock, Virginia, and the Hospital at Home Program. Learn more about the different clinical services below.
VCU Medical Center Services
VCU Medical Center is where 90% of all hospitalists working on a given day can be found. Physicians usually work 10-hour shifts while the lengths of shifts for APPs varies between 8 and 10 hours. VCU Medical Center is a tertiary care center with Level 1 trauma capabilities and advanced expertise in subspecialties.
Hospitalist Service
The Hospitalist Service takes care of more than 25% of all patients admitted to VCU Medical Center in Richmond. The service consists of 9 rounding teams. Each team typically has about 14 patients and caps at 16 patients. The majority of the patients on a given team are geographically located on 1-2 units, and, because each medicine floor has the capability to provide intermediate (or step-down) care, each team may have some intermediate care patients. During the week, the rounding team consists of a physician and an advanced practice provider (Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant) while, on weekends and holidays, physicians round alone. While these services are non-teaching in traditional terms, many learners actually rotate through the service including fourth-year medical students during their acting internships, residents in the hospital medicine track, and APP trainees. Collaboration with nursing, pharmacy, therapy services, and other health professions is essential for optimal care, and two medical directors: Drs. Alexander Rittenberg (Medical Director for N1, N2, N5, and 8W), Margaret Guy (Medical Director for Hospital Medicine Geographic Units, N6, N9, CSBC), work in concert with nursing leaders to enhance high-quality interprofessional care.
Resident-Run Inpatient Clinical Service
Academic hospitalists rotate through three (out of five) general internal medicine teaching teams, Each team is staffed either by one Internal Medicine resident and two interns or by two PGY2 internal medicine residents without interns (ward managers). Each team usually also has third-year medical students. Almost all patients on each team are geographically located to provide better teamwork and communication with the broader healthcare team.
Consult and Co-management Service
One team provides inpatient general medicine consultation to patients admitted on non-medicine services. This team consists of an academic hospitalist attending and learners, usually a resident, an intern, and 1-2 medical student(s). Currently, we provide co-management service to a select group of patients on the Orthopedic Service. Dr. Sarah Hartigan is the Director of the General Medicine Consult Service.
MAA Service
We have a unique relationship with our Emergency Medicine colleagues maintained by the presence of the Medical Admitting Attending (MAA). This Hospitalist is stationed in the ED and serves as a liaison between the inpatient medicine teams, Emergency Department, and outside hospitals who are requesting to transfer a patient to the medical services at VCU Medical Center. The MAA receives and assesses patients from ED providers, facilitates their early care, and decides their disposition. Similarly, MAA receives transfer calls from regional hospitals, determines the appropriateness of transfer, and, when appropriate, accepts patients on behalf of medicine teams.
Procedure Service
The Medicine Procedure consult service was established in July 2016 to further the service, throughput, and academic mission of the Hospital Medicine. This team provides high quality, safe, and efficient bedside procedure services to adult inpatients at VCU Health. A small group of highly skilled and trained hospitalists rotate through this service along with at least one junior resident (PGY-2). The rotation is also offered to IM-Peds residents and Internal Medicine PGY-3 residents as an elective. During their two-week rotation, residents train on a simulation-based model, provide consultative services, triage and perform supervised bedside procedures, such as central venous lines, lumbar punctures, abdominal paracentesis, and knee arthrocentesis. Residents are also taught the use of ultrasound for bedside procedures. Dr. Evan Ritter is the medical director for this service.
GME Night Medicine
The GME night medicine service provides teaching and supervision of the internal medicine night float residents. The GME night medicine curriculum includes formal midnight report (similar to morning report in structure) as well as informal bedside teaching. In addition, GME night medicine faculty independently covers 8 teaching teams for two nights per week when residents are off. One hospitalist attending staffs this team during the resident covered nights while two hospitalists staff this service when residents are off. Dr. Tim Johnson is the liaison for this service to the residency program.
Evening & Night Shifts
Hospitalists staff evening and night shifts to maintain the MAA role with the ED, admit patients to hospital medicine services, and provide cross-coverage to admitted patients. Physicians typically focus on the MAA and admitting roles while APPs focus on the cross-cover responsibilities though the group works together as a team. Most night shifts are staffed by nocturnists such that a day physician usually on works a handful of nights each year.
Hospital at Home
In collaboration with the Division of Geriatrics, hospital medicine leads the Hospital at Home program. In this model, patients receive hospital-level of care services in their own homes. This model has proven to have equivalent clinical outcomes for patients while improving their functional outcomes, enhancing their satisfaction, and reducing costs. Physicians from hospital medicine will identify inpatients appropriate for this approach to care and provide the daily physician care of these patients through telehealth visits. Bryn Culpepper, MD is the hospitalist leading this program for hospital medicine.
VCU Tappahannock Hospital
VCU Tappahannock Hospital is a small, rural medical center located about 55 minutes northeast of Downtown Richmond. The hospital features a collegial, tight-knit environment with 32 beds spread across a 24-bed general medical unit and an 8-bed ICU/stepdown unit. The median patient census is about 22 with 3 of those patients being stepdown level of care and 1 patient being intensive level of care. Hospital Medicine provides 24-hour care for nearly all of these patients. During the day, two physicians admit to, round on, and discharge from the inpatient service. At night, a physician crosscovers the inpatient services and admits from the 12-bed emergency department. The physicians work a consistent seven on, seven off schedule at VCU Tappahannock with scheduled 12-hour shifts. One day physician often leaves early when the day work is completed. Shadi Ghadermarzi, MD is the medical director of hospital medicine at VCU Tappahannock and works closely with leadership to ensure high-quality, compassionate care is delivered.
Support services for other Divisions and the Institution
Hospital Medicine provides consultative coverage for Geriatric Medicine during the evenings and nights. In addition, hospitalists respond to in-hospital codes. Several hospitalists hold senior leadership positions within the institution including Associate Chief Medical Officer (Dr. Heather Masters), Medication Safety Co-Chair (Dr. Melissa Chouinard), and Associate Chief Quality Officer for VCU Health System (Dr. Georgia McIntosh).
Learn more about our cutting edge research.
The research conducted at the Division of Hospital Medicine at the Virginia Commonwealth University is diverse. The diversity of research interests of our hospitalists is reflected in research studies that are currently underway within the Division of Hospital Medicine.
- Virginia Commonwealth University Registry of SARS-CoV-2 (VCU-RS)
PI: Somaya Albhaisi, MD
- Identifying Subclinical Cardiotoxicity Following Thoracic Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer: A Longitudinal Pilot Study.
PI: Georgia Thomas, MD, PhD
- Peer Observation of Bedside Teaching Rounds of DOIM Faculty.
PI: Kimberly Pedram, MD, SFHM, FACP; Co-I: Carolyn Marcelo, MD
- Opioid Learning Lab Project ECHO© for Virginia: Addiction Disease Management/Substance Use Disorder through tele consultative mode: Clinical Grant.
PI: Vimal Mishra, MD, MMCi; Co-I: Alan Dow, MD, MSHA
- Connected Cancer Care: HER Communication Networks in Virtual Cancer Care Teams.
Co-I: Vimal Mishra, MD, MMCi; Co-I: Alan Dow, MD, MSHA
- Health Information Technology (IT) to Improve Health Care Quality and Outcomes (R21).
Co-I: Vimal Mishra, MD, MMCi
- CDC Innovation Awards – Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke. Strategies to Prevent and Manage Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke "InnoVAte".
Co-I: Vimal Mishra, MD, MMCi
- The VCU Primary Care Psychology Training Collaborative: Expanding Services with Underserved Youth, Latinx Immigrants, and Refugees.
Co-I: Alan Dow, MD, MSHA
- A Tool to Foster Real-Time Self-Assessment and Deliberate Practice to Promote Well-Being in Medical Trainees: A Pilot Study.
Co-I: Rebecca Miller, MD
- An Innovative Curriculum Using a Simulated Billing Program to Teach Internal Medicine Residents About Billing, Coding, and Documentation
PI: Evan Meadors, MD
- Registry: Outcomes and Safety of Bedside Medical Procedures
Hospital Medicine Procedure Service Team Members: Adam Garber, MD; Evan Ritter, MD, Rebecca Miller, MD, Pete Meliagros, MD, Benjamin Chopski, MD, Irene Foley, MD, Sarika Modi, MD
- Peer Observation of Bedside Teaching Rounds
Hospital Medicine Education Innovations and Research Team: Kimberly Pedram, MD, SFHM, FACP, Alan Dow, MD, MSHA, Carolyn Marcelo, MD, Rebecca Miller, MD, Alice Wong, MD, Laura Paletta-Hobbs, MD, Evan Meadors, MD, Evan Ritter, MD, Adam Garber, MD, David Jessee, MD, Irene Foley, MD, Michelle Brooks, MD, Benjamin Chopski, MD, Shanti Koirala Pradhan, MD, Manish Pradhan, MD, Alysson Gordon, ACNP-BC, Krystle Brunson, FNP
- Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care. VCU’s organizational structure charged with designing, implementing, and assessing educational and clinical programs related to interprofessional care, communication in healthcare, leadership, and patient safety.
Founding Director: Alan Dow, MD, MSHA
- Effect of Mindfulness Training Sessions on Pre-clinical Medical Student Perceived Attention, History-taking Skills, and Communication Skills.
PI: Kimberly Pedram, MD, SFHM, FACP
- Inpatient and Outpatient Handoff Format.
PI: Nasiffa Hossain, MD
- The Effect of Virginia Legislation on Prescription of Long-Acting Opioids at Discharge.
PI: Michael Bradley, MD
- Is Proton Pump Inhibitor Use in Acutely Hospitalized Patients (outside of ICU setting) helpful in preventing anemia?
PI: Jawaid Shaw, MD
- Optimal Initial Diuretic Dose to Reduce Length of Stay in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Heart Failure.
PI: Stephen Biederman, MD
- Developing a Tool to Measure Patient Perception of Physician Compassion (COMPASS Study).
PI: Sarah Hartigan, MD, FACP, FHM
- Perceptions of Relative Importance of Discharge Elements (PRIDE II Study).
PI: Sarah Hartigan, MD, FACP, FHM
- Impact of a Wellbeing Intervention on Discharge Rates.
PI: Alan Dow, MD, MSHA
- Disparities in Hospital Care.
PI: Alan Dow, MD, MSHA.
- Relationship of Hospitalist Burnout and Work Engagement with Patient Satisfaction (WEBS Study).
PI: Georgia McIntosh, MD
- Measuring the Effectiveness of the Choosing Wisely Campaign (MC2 Study).
PI: Ajin John, MD
- Hematology Transfusion Thresholds Study.
PI: Alexander Rittenberg, MD
- Post-Discharge Virtual Visits.
PI: Vimal Mishra, MD, MMCi
- Strategies to Improve Pain Management in Sickle Cell Patients.
PI: Margaret Guy, MD
- The Relationship between Arsenic Exposure and All-Cause Mortality.
PI: Catherine Marcelo, MD
- The Relationship between Arsenic Exposure and Renal Function.
PI: Carolyn Marcelo, MD
- The Relationship between Arsenic Exposure and Liver Function.
PI: Jawaid Shaw, MD
- Hospital Medicine Virtual Follow Up Clinic Study.
PI: Alysson Gordon, ACNP-BC
- Diuretic Management Before Discharge in Acute Heart Failure.
PI: Rebecca Snell, FNP
- Shaw J, Bajaj J.S. (2020) Infections in critically ill cirrhosis patients. The critically Ill cirrhotic patient: Evaluation and Management. Springer Nature Switzerland ag, Robert A Rahimi (ed).
- Albhaisi S. & Sanyal AJ (2020). Liver Biopsy. Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology (Second Edition). Oxford: Academic Press; 2020:349-354.
- Dow AW. (2018). Handbook of Interprofessional Practice: A Guide for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care, First Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. ISBN-13: 978-1524968151.
- Dow A & Reeves S. (2017). How Health Professional Training Will and Should Change. In T.J. Hoff, K. M. Sutcliffe, G. J. Young (Eds.), The Healthcare Professional Workforce: Understanding Human Capital in a Changing Industry (pp. 147-172). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Thomas GK, Bonaventura A, Vecchie A, Van Tassell B, Imazio M, Klein A, Luis SA, Abbate A. Interleukin-1 blockers for the treatment of recurrent pericarditis: pathophysiology, patient-reported outcomes, and perspectives. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2024 Jun 1; 83(6):503-510.
Vecchie A, Bonaventura A, Golino M, Thomas GK, Abbate A. Novel therapeutic insights into the treatment of pericarditis: targeting the innate immune system. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2024 May 1;83(5):377-383.
Thomas GK, Weiss E, Del Buono MG, Moroni F, West J, Myers R, Kontos E, Golino M, Abbate A, Canada J. Early reduction in cardiorespiratory fitness and diastolic reserve following radiation therapy for lung cancer. Cardio-oncology. 2024 March 15; 1-11.
Perez-Sanchez A, Johnson G, Pucks N, Soni RN, Lund TJS, Andrade AJ, Le MT, Solis-McCarthy J, Wong T, Ashraf A, Kumar AD, Banauch GI, Verner JR, Sodhi A, Thomas MK, LoPresti C, Schmitz H, Koratala A, Hunninghake J, Manninen E, Candotti C, Minami T, Mathews BK, Bandak G, Sauthoff H, Mayo-Malasky H, Cho J, Villalobos N, Proud KC, Boesch B, Fenton Portillo F, Reierson K, Malik M, Abbas F, Johnson T, Haro EK, Mader MJ, Mayo P, Franco-Sadud R, Soni NJ. Comparison of 6 handheld ultrasound devices by point-of-care ultrasound experts: a cross-sectional study. Ultrasound J. 2024 Oct 2;16(1):45. doi: 10.1186/s13089-024-00392-3. PMID: 39356371; PMCID: PMC11447175.
Biederman ST, Breton JS, Pace GM, Dow AW. Census growth and challenges of a novel Hospital at Home program: A retrospective cohort study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2024 Nov 8;. doi: 10.1111/jgs.19259. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39513351.
Battle K, Lockeman KS, Dow AW, Donohoe KL, Hanley L, Slattum PW. Unpacking interactions among student teams in a practice-based IPE setting: a qualitative evaluation study. J Interprof Care. 2024 Jul-Aug;38(4):713-721. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2024.2345829. Epub 2024 May 8. PubMed PMID: 38717845.
Tu SP, Garcia B, Zhu X, Sewell D, Mishra V, Matin K, Dow A. Patient care in complex Sociotechnological ecosystems and learning health systems. Learn Health Syst. 2024 Jun;8(Suppl 1):e10427. doi: 10.1002/lrh2.10427. eCollection 2024 Jun. PubMed PMID: 38883874; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC11176594.
Meliagros P, Chopski B, Garber A, Dow A, Forrest R. Procedural Decision Making by Hospitalists: The Need for a Team Approach. South Med J. 2024 Jun;117(6):347-349. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001690. PubMed PMID: 38830591.
Garber AM, Meliagros P, Diener-Brazelle J, Dow A. Using Virtual Reality to Teach Medical Students Cross-Coverage Skills. Am J Med. 2024 May;137(5):454-458. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2024.02.002. Epub 2024 Feb 15. PubMed PMID: 38364987.
Biederman S, Sadr N, Qayyum R. Improving Interdisciplinary Communication on an Academic Hospitalist Service: A Quality Improvement Project. J Healthc Qual. 2024 Mar-Apr.
Biederman S, Batheja A, Bednar S, et al. Toward Standardization and High Reliability: Improved Sepsis Screening in Emergency Department Triage Across an Academic Health System. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2024;50(11):809-816. doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2024.07.003
Biederman S, Sadr N, Qayyum R. Improving Interdisciplinary Communication on an Academic Hospitalist Service: A Quality Improvement Project. J Healthc Qual. 2024;46(2):65-71. doi:10.1097/JHQ.0000000000000411
Biederman ST, Breton JS, Pace GM, Dow AW. Census growth and challenges of a novel Hospital at Home program: A retrospective cohort study. J Am Geriatr Soc. Published online November 8, 2024. doi:10.1111/jgs.19259
DeGrazia RJ Jr, Kalkat M, Miller L, Niessen T, Chatterjee S, Wright S. Transforming the transfer process: A quality improvement project to assess and improve transfer notes. J Health Risk Manag. 2024 Jan.
Albhaisi S. The impossible mission: to save and support science in Gaza. Lancet. 2024
Golino M, West J, Federmann E, Barron A, Van Tassell B, Kontos E, Hozyen L, Abbate A, Thomas GK. "Characterizing orthostatic intolerance syndromes in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients". Global Cardio-Oncology Summit 2024.
Abbate G, Hogwood A, Thomas G, Markley R, Priday A, Arena R, Abbate A, Canada J. "Determinants of exercise intolerance in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: a systematic review". American Heart Association 2024.
Batheja A, Biederman D, Bednar S, Orange C, Hicks A, Miller S, Forsen P, Stark A, Bearman G. "Toward Standardization and high Reliability: Improved sepsis screening in emergency department triage across an academic health system". Virginia Public Health Association Annual Conference 2024.
Cutter Z, Miller S, Bednar S, Hicks A, Orange C, Biederman S. "Creation, Implementation and Validation of a Novel Sepsis Warning Score in the Emergency Department". American College of Emergency Physicians 2024.
Glick M, Noreika D, Pandey S, McHenry C, Biederman S. "Proactive Palliative Care Involvement to improve advance care planning among medical inpatients". IHI 2024.
- Breton J, Biederman S, Dow A. "Violence and Home-Based Care: How Should We Navigate This Risk?". American Academy of Home Care Medicine 2024.
Biederman S, Kramer H, Patel S, Orange C, Miller K, Ragusa M, Holt E. "MEWS News: Risk Factors in Near Miss ICU Downgrades". Society of Critical Care Medicine 2025.
Garber A, Olex A, Santen S, Blondino C, Goldberg S, DiazGranados D. Utilizing natural language processing to analyze student narrative reflections for medical curriculum improvement. Taylor & Francis Medical Teacher. 2024
Garber A, Meliagros P, Brazelle J, and Dow A. Using Virtual Reality to Teach Medical Students Cross-Coverage Skills. The American Journal of Medicine. 2024.
Meliagros PD, Diener-Brazelle J, Garber AM. Using Extended Reality to Teach Medical Students Lumbar Punctures. The American Journal of Medicine, 2024,
Garber AM, Meliagros PD, Diener-Brazelle, J, Dow A. Using Virtual Reality to Teach Medical Students Cross-Coverage Skills, The American Journal of Medicine, 2024, ISSN 0002-9343,
Albhaisi S, Petrova L, Liu S, Ambrosio M, Chopski B, Meliagros P, Ritter M, Garber A. Acute Kidney Injury following Large Volume Paracentesis vs Non-Large Volume Paracentesis: Incidence, Predictors, and Implications. Poster presented at ACG 2024.
The Rising Scholars Program is designed for hospitalists who want to build their research credentials while also being employed full-time. Many Rising Scholars are interested in specialty fellowship and participate in the program to increase their competitiveness for fellowship. Prior scholars have had success matching to competitive fellowship, publishing in highly ranked journals, and receiving external funding.
Rising Scholars work as a half-time nocturnist, working 7 night shifts every four weeks. The remainder of their time is dedicated to developing their research abilities through a mentored research experience. As part of the application process, each Rising Scholar defines their area of scholarly interest and is paired with a research mentor if they do not already have one. Rising scholars are paid about half of the salary of a typical starting hospitalist and are eligible to moonlight with the group if they wish to have a higher income.
Division of Hospital Medicine
Division of Hospital Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
Box 980102
Richmond, VA 23298
Division Contacts
Alan W. Dow, MD, MSHA
Division Chief
Box 980102
Francesca Capanni, MD
Division Associate Chief for Clinical Operations
Box 980102
Kimberly Pedram, MD
Division Associate Chief for Medical Education
Box 980102
Amanda Marth
Division Administrator
Phone: (804) 628-3624
Anna Lupejkis
Faculty Employment Coordinator
Phone: (804) 628-2798