Program Overview & History
The Dr. Carolyn McCue Award for Woman Cardiologist of the Year is a program of the VCU Health Pauley Heart Center, made possible by a grant from the McCue family. The award honors the late Carolyn Moore McCue, MD, who was a national pioneer in pediatric cardiology.
The award was established in 2008, granted again in 2009, and then resumed in the year 2022. Past recipients include: C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD (2008), Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD (2009), Sharonne N. Hayes, MD (2022), Annabelle Santos Volgman, MD (2023), and Anne B. Curtis, MD (2024). The award carries a monetary prize of $7500 and is presented at the Pauley Heart Center’s Heart Health in Women Symposium held in Richmond, Virginia, annually.
Dr. Carolyn McCue
McCue Award Winner
McCue Award
Criteria and Eligibility for Nomination
The McCue Award is given annually to a woman adult or pediatric cardiologist who is currently practicing in the United States or another country. The candidate must possess an MD, DO, or equivalent international medical degree and be 10 years or more post-med school. The candidate must have had an academic affiliation for the majority of her career. The candidate must be a woman cardiologist who is recognized nationally and/or internationally for important contributions to the general field of adult or pediatric cardiology through clinical care, research, teaching, and leadership in mentoring. While a candidate may not be outstanding in all of these skills, she must excel in one or more. Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by a peer.
Nominations for the Dr. Carolyn McCue Award for Woman Cardiologist of the Year will be accepted between February 8, 2025 – April 16, 2025. Presentation of the Award and a monetary prize of $7500 will be made at the Heart Health in Women Symposium in Richmond in February 2026. The awardee will also be asked to give a 25-minute scientific presentation at the Symposium.
Nominations for the Dr. Carolyn McCue Award for Woman Cardiologist of the Year are now open.