Diane Biskobing, MD

Interim Division Chief

Diane Biskobing, MDDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Department: Internal Medicine

Email: diane.biskobing@vcuhealth.org

Dr. Diane Biskobing serves as the Interim-Chief for the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism.   Dr. Biskobing completed her undergraduate degree and MD at the University of Wisconsin. She then completed internal medicine residency training at the University of Texas—San Antonio. Dr. Biskobing received her endocrinology and metabolism fellowship training at Emory University and joined the endocrine division at Emory in 1994. While at Emory she was awarded a NIH Clinical Investigator Award for research on osteoclast formation and function. Dr. Biskobing joined the VCU faculty in 1998 in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism as an Assistant Professor. She is now a Professor and serves as the Associate Dean for Preclinical Medical Education in the School of Medicine. Her clinical expertise is in bone metabolism and osteoporosis, and she currently oversees bone densitometry at AOP, Stony Point, Short Pump and Tappahannock. Dr. Biskobing was selected to participate in the VCU Williamson Institute for Healthcare Leadership Executive Fellowship in Physician Leadership in 2007. She previously served as Interim Division Chair in 2013. Nationally, Dr. Biskobing is actively involved in several United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) committees. She has previously written questions for USMLE Step 1 Physiology, UMSLE Step 2 Internal Medicine and Ambulatory Care and served on the General Principles Task Force. Currently, she serves on the Step 1 Item Review committee and the Step 1 Forms committee.

Dr. Biskobing has been committed to the education of learners of all levels, including medical students, house staff, and fellows since arriving at VCU. She has been the endocrine course director since 1999 and was awarded numerous teaching awards for her role in the course. In 2015 she was the recipient of the School of Medicine Enrique Gerszten Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. She was the Endocrinology Fellowship Program director from 2003 until 2015 and received the VCU SOM Leadership in GME award in 2010. She continues to serve on the fellowship competency committee. She also previously served as a core educator in internal medicine and the Chair of the IM Competency committee from 2008 to 2013. Dr. Biskobing has also held numerous educational leadership roles in the School of Medicine, including as the Chair of the Curriculum Council from 2003 to 2009. She served as the Preclinical Curriculum Coordinator and then as Assistant Dean for Preclinical Education from 2001 to 2008. She returned to the SOM Office of Medical Education as Assistant Dean and is now Associate Dean for Preclinical Education in 2015. During her tenure, she has worked to increase active learning in the preclinical curriculum. She currently serves on the SOM Curriculum Council and is actively involved in the preparation for the upcoming LCME accreditation visit in 2024. 

Diane Biskobing, MD
Interim-Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Fellowship
Email: diane.biskobing@vcuhealth.org

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